We believe pigs do best outside where they can forage, explore, and have room to run around. We keep our pigs on a variety of different habitats, including in our woodlot, where they can find shade on hot days, on pasture where they can root up grass to find grubs, and on overgrown fields where they help us clear stumps and roots so that we can someday establish pasture for our goats and lambs. They have houses for shelter from rainy weather and always have access to clean, fresh water. Since pigs can't sweat, we make a wallow for them on hot days and they enjoy splashing in the mud to cool off.
We raise Berkshires, as they are intelligent and active, finding food as they explore their surroundings. Our pigs are fed from the pastures and woodlot that they live on and are supplemented with GMO free grain.
Our black angus beef herd plays an important role in our intensive rotational grazing. Along with the sheep and goats, they form the third pillar of our herd, eating the grasses and other pasture plants the others leave behind. We exclusively feed grass. Alongside the rest of the herd, they improve the health of our pastures from year to year, returning important nutrients to our soil, and helping our ongoing stewardship of this land. Love these boys!
Sheep thrive on a high quality pasture. They graze along side our goats, eating a variety of grasses and clover through the summer and hay in the winter.
We raise a Dorper/Khatahdin cross and breed our herd of ewes each fall so that they give birth in early spring. This allows us to improve the genetics of the herd each year, raising healthier and heartier animals with each passing season as we select ewes that do well on our pastures and our farm. We also have the advantage of lambs who live their entire lives in one place, reducing their stress since they never have to travel. They stay with their mothers and that bond between the animals keeps both the lamb and the ewe happier and calmer.
We raise Freedom Rangers, a breed that was developed in France and is now used in America as an alternative to hybridized breeds. These chickens grow more slowly and have darker, leaner meat. They are full of flavor and a personal favorite. Our chickens are pasture raised in chicken tractors we routinely move to fresh grass. In addition to the forage they find on our fields, we also supplement them with GMO free grain.
Our laying hens work hard to bring our customers fresh eggs year round. During the warmer months, we move their coop around the farm to ensure they are always on fresh grass. In the winter, they stay near the barnyard, running around on hay that we put down to protect their feet from the cold.
They have the freedom to explore the farm, scratch in the dirt and create dust baths to keep themselves cool and clean in the summer. To supplement their diet of GMO free grain, our hens forage around the farm during the day for grass and bugs. As the sun sets, they naturally return to their coops to roost and sleep.
We raise our goats on a 100% grass fed diet - when they're not eating Christmas trees and brambles. Goats do well on a varied diet and there's no specific distinction for a 100% grass/bramble/Christmas tree/multi-flora rose goat, so we advertise them as 100% grassfed, meaning they never eat any grain.
They graze alongside our lambs where they do the important job of eating what the sheep leave behind and mowing the grass before we move the chickens onto it. We also often put them on overgrown fields or field edges and they help our pigs turn that land back into useable pasture.
Jeb is the king of the farm. His favorite activities are sun bathing in the front yard, chasing your car down the dirt road (just for fun), helping himself to a turkey or chicken dinner, and always in search of a broken egg to lap up. He is the best companion for a walk on the land and also the best look out. We love you buddy!
Jay is a farm dog in training! She is farmer Amy's right hand and is learning the ropes thanks to Jeb. She is quick, fun, and full of love. Love you mama!
Beans is our on duty barn cat, working to take care of any rodents that snuggle their way in to things we don't want them to (grain, seeds, etc). Beans is an absolute BOSS at her job and loves living in the barn. She gets her own straw castle to sleep in and a scoop of delicious food each morning.